Update date 01/03/2022.

Welcome and thank you for your trust. You will find below the Terms and Conditions applicable to the website.

The signature 

Article 1 — Definitions

Capitalized terms refer to the following definitions:

The "Service Provider" refers to SASU DARIOT Romuald, a company with a capital of 100.00 euros whose head office is located at RUNGO.BIZ, 231 rue Saint-Honoré 75 001, Paris, registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés under the number 849107826, whose intracommunity VAT number is FR88849107826.

Service: The service(s) described in the quotation sent to the Customer.

The "Site" refers to the Internet Site(s) accessible from the URL link and all Sites published by the Service Provider to present its services.

The "General Sales Conditions" or "GSC" refers to the present General Sales Conditions, applicable within the framework of the contractual relationship between the Company and its Customers, which include the Privacy Policy that may be available on the Site and any element of the Site to which they expressly refer. The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale, in their most recent version accepted by the Customer to whom the Quotation refers.

The "Order" refers to any subscription to a service by the Customer with the Company.

The "Commercial Proposal" submitted to the Customer, setting out the specific conditions applicable to the proposed Service, which is accepted and signed by the Customer in order to place an order. Signing the Sales Proposal implies the conclusion of a Contract and unreserved acceptance of these GTS.

Contract : The Quotation and the General Conditions for the services described in this Quotation. In the event of contradiction between the Quotation(s) and the General Conditions, the Quotation shall always prevail.

The "Customer" refers to the individual or legal entity, professional or otherwise, subscribing a service with the Company. The person or company signing these General Terms and Conditions of Sale guarantees payment of the invoice, even if it is made out in the name of a third party.

The "Content" refers to all data provided by the Customer to the Service Provider for the purpose of performing the Services, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, photos, files and databases. The Content remains the exclusive property of the Customer;

The "User" refers to any person browsing the Site.

Partner" means any professional partner with whom the Company has a business relationship in connection with the provision of the service and to whom the Customer may be referred in connection with the provision of the service.

Article 2 — Principles

2.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale express all the obligations of the parties. They constitute the sole basis of the commercial relationship between the parties, and the Customer is deemed to accept them without reservation.

2.2 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale prevail over any other document, and in particular over any General Terms and Conditions of Purchase. They apply, without restriction or reservation, to all services rendered by the Service Provider to Customers in the same category.

2.3 The Service Provider and the Customer agree that these General Terms and Conditions of Sale exclusively govern their relationship. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Updates will be posted on the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) page of the Agency's website They will be applicable as soon as they are put online. The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale are communicated to any Customer who so requests, in order to enable him to place an Order. The Service Provider reserves the right to derogate from certain clauses of these General Terms and Conditions, depending on the negotiations carried out with the Customer, by drawing up special conditions of sale. The Service Provider may also establish specific General Terms and Conditions of Sale, derogating from the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale, depending on the type of Customer in question, according to criteria which shall remain objective. Customers meeting these criteria will then be subject to these specific General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

2.4 The GCS are accessible at all times on the Site and take precedence, where applicable, over any other version, previous or future. The GCS take effect from the date of their update indicated at the top of the present document, and apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those applicable to Sales through other distribution and marketing channels.

Article 3 — Content

3.1 The Commercial Proposal constitutes a proposed contract for which the Customer expressly declares that he/she has the power, authority and capacity necessary to enter into it and to perform the obligations incumbent upon him/her.

3.2 The Service Provider's areas of expertise include: research and consulting, implementation of global communication campaigns, written communication, interactive communication, audiovisual communication, event communication, digital marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine optimization (SEA), press relations, e-reputation, community management, training, creation of websites and applications, web maintenance and support and, in general, all services requested by the Customer that have been the subject of a formal Commercial Proposal from the Agency.

Article 4 — Duration

4.1 The duration of the Contract corresponds to the duration of delivery of the Service described in the Quotation. Where applicable, different delivery conditions and dates may apply to different services. Where the Contract is for a fixed term, the Customer is liable for all sums specified in the Quotation until the end of the Contract, which the Customer expressly accepts. In the event of early termination, the Customer shall remain liable for the full balance of the Contract until its expiry. The Parties may agree to payment by direct debit for the scheduled payment dates.

4.2 The Contract takes effect on the date of the Sales Proposal in paper or electronic form and the payment of a deposit of 50% of the total amount of the Sales Proposal. Orders will only be taken into account on return of the corresponding "Sales Proposal" and/or specifications (depending on the Customer's project), dated, signed and respectively preceded by the words "Good for agreement" or "Read and approved" by the Customer, the signatures implying acceptance of the terms of the Sales Proposal and validation of the specifications. Sales Proposals thus communicated to the Customer are valid for 30 (thirty) days.

4.3 The present contract is concluded for a fixed term of 12 months in the case of subscription to Website management or social network management. This contract comes into force upon signature by the Customer. It is tacitly renewable for successive periods of the same duration. In the event of force majeure or during periods of closure clearly announced on the home page of the site, the intervention times will be, within the limits of the Service Provider's availability, those indicated below.

4.4 Lead times run from the Order registration date indicated on the Order confirmation e-mail.

The delivery time does not depend solely on the Service Provider, but also on the Customer, who is responsible for providing the elements required to complete the work (documents, access codes to the hosting server, etc.). The Service Provider declines all responsibility for any delay caused by the Customer as a result of insufficient or late transmission of these elements.

4.5 The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend any Order pending receipt of the Customer's elements to be included therein, without prejudice or financial consideration and without this constituting grounds for termination of the Order.

Delays in delivery shall not justify cancellation of the Order by the Customer, nor give rise to the payment of damages, indemnities or penalties.

Article 5 — How to order

5.1 The Customer receives the Commercial Proposal in PDF format for the services mentioned in Article 3.

5.2 For the Order to be validated, the Customer must accept the Sales Proposal and sign it in the space provided. Acceptance of the Sales Proposal will result in an invoice being sent by e-mail, and will constitute confirmation by the Service Provider, in accordance with the conditions described below. Payment can be made in various ways:

CB/Check/Cash/Direct debit/Wire transfer.

5.3 Any Order implies acceptance of the prices and descriptions of the services offered.

5.4 If the service cannot be provided, the Customer will be informed by e-mail. The Order for this service will then be cancelled and reimbursed if necessary, with the remainder of the Order remaining firm and definitive. For any questions relating to the follow-up of an Order, the Customer should call 0693 303 970, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (cost of a local call).

Article 6 — Signature of quotation and acceptance of General Terms and Conditions

6.1 The Contract is enforceable against the Customer as soon as the latter signs the Quotation and the General Terms and Conditions, which constitutes the Customer's firm and definitive order. The person signing the Quotation on behalf of the Customer undertakes to have the power and capacity to act for purposes falling within the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity, including when acting in the name or on behalf of another professional.

6.2 The Service Provider reserves the right to refuse to perform any Service for which the relevant Quotation has not been returned signed by the Customer before the expiry of its validity date. The Quotation may be signed by hand or electronically by the Customer. In the case of electronic signature, proof of acceptance is provided by the electronic signature certificate.

6.3 By accepting the Quotation, the Customer warrants that he has received all the information necessary to assess the suitability of the Service for his own needs. The Customer may not, under any circumstances, call into question his express agreement to the services ordered, even in the event of an error, omission or oversight on the part of the Customer leading to the Service described in the Quotation being unsuited to his needs.

6.4 The customer will be asked to return the signed terms and conditions with the quotation.

6.5 The Contract excludes the application of the Customer's general terms and conditions of purchase and any previous agreement not formalized between the parties.

6.6 The Customer and the Service Provider acknowledge that the electronic signature by electronic means is deemed to have the same binding character as the handwritten signature. Consequently, both parties acknowledge that they are bound by the terms of this contract by means of the Customer's electronic signature, which reflects their full agreement to this contract.

6.7 The provision of the Sales Proposal signed by the Customer and the final validation of the Order shall constitute proof of the Customer's agreement and shall be deemed :

- Amounts due ;

- Signature and express acceptance of all operations carried out.

Terms of payment

Article 7 — Pricing conditions

7.1 The specific terms of payment for the Service are indicated in the Quotation. Prices are given in euros in the Quotation. Unless otherwise stated, they are exclusive of tax (HT) and are subject to the taxes in force on the date of invoicing, including value-added tax. These prices are firm and non-revisable until the quotation expires. The Customer is expressly warned that the price of a commercial offer may change after the expiry of the validity period of a commercial proposal that has not been ordered by the Customer within the specified period, and that the Service Provider may issue a new Quotation that is not identical to the previous one, reserving the right to change its prices.

7.2 The Customer is hereby informed that failure to use the Service ordered will not result in any price revision or reduction. Except in the case of a special offer and at the end of any trial period, the full purchase price of the Service ordered will be payable. Payment in instalments may be provided for in the Quotation. In the case of a special offer, in the event of a problem with an instalment payment, the Customer will only have access to the Service once the due date has been paid. Payments made by the Customer will only be considered definitive once the sums due have been received by the Customer.

7.3  In the event of non-payment or late payment by the Customer, the Service Provider shall not be obliged to commence delivery of the Service, shall not be held liable for any delay in performance and reserves the right to suspend the Service.

7.4 The Customer accepts that invoices or credit notes will only be sent in electronic format (PDF) and by e-mail. The Customer undertakes to inform the Service Provider if its invoicing address is different from the address of its registered office, of any change of company name or of registered office or invoicing addresses occurring during the performance of the Contract.

7.5 All expenses (travel, accommodation, catering, etc.) incurred by the Service Provider for the purposes of the Service shall be borne by the Customer, subject to prior approval by the Customer and on presentation of the corresponding invoice. You can detail the terms and conditions of payment.

Article 8 — Presetation evolution

8.1 Any service and/or product complementary to the Service described in the Quotation may be the subject of a separate quotation, which may be subject to other contractual conditions, which the Customer expressly accepts. Failing this, any new quotation or order form, as well as any commercial proposal made in writing (e-mail, document, etc.) to the Customer and which has been the subject of an agreement, will be subject to the General Terms and Conditions. The Customer expressly accepts that an exchange of e-mails may constitute an agreement for an additional service.

8.2 The Service Provider reserves the right to modify its General Terms and Conditions at any time in accordance with the law.

Article 9 — Proof of transaction

 Computerized registers, kept in the Service Provider's computer systems under reasonable security conditions, will be considered as proof of communications, Orders and payments between the parties. Order forms and invoices are archived on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as proof.

Article 10 — Presentation information

10.1 The services governed by these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are those which appear on the Service Provider's Website and which are indicated as being performed by the Service Provider or under its control.

They are offered subject to availability. Services are described and presented as accurately as possible. However, the Service Provider cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions in this presentation.

10.2 By virtue of its exclusive hierarchical and disciplinary authority over its personnel, the latter will remain under the effective control of the Service Provider throughout the performance of the services. In the event of work being carried out on the Customer's premises, the Service Provider undertakes to comply with the health and safety obligations of which the Customer will inform the Service Provider, provided that the Service Provider's personnel are afforded the same protection as the Service Provider's employees.

The Service Provider guarantees the regularity of the situation of its personnel with regard to Articles L. 1221-10 et seq. and L. 3246-1 et seq. of the French Labour Code.

The Service Provider further certifies that it complies with the provisions of Articles L. 8221-1 and L. 8221-2 of the French Labour Code, relating to the fight against undeclared work, and with the provisions of Book III, Title IV of the French Labour Code.

10.3 For the duration of the services and for a period of one year after its completion, the Customer undertakes not to solicit or attempt to poach (or assist any other person in soliciting or attempting to poach) any employee of the Service Provider with whom it has had contact in connection with the performance of the services.

10.4 In the event of breach, the Customer shall owe the Service Provider, as a penalty clause, compensation equal to one year's last gross salary/payment of the person thus dismissed.

10.5 Any additional interventions will give rise to an hourly charge of €100.00 excluding VAT.

Article 11 — Reception - Reserves

11.1 Any use or commencement of use of the Service by the Customer is tantamount to its acceptance without reservation. From the moment of its receipt, the Customer is solely responsible for the Service, and assumes responsibility for any harmful consequences resulting from its use. The particular conditions of the Contract may provide for a different procedure for acceptance and reservation of the elements of the Service. Upon delivery of the Service and at the end of each operation or reception stage, the Customer undertakes to verify that all deliverability criteria have been met in accordance with the Contract.

11.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the Customer shall have a period of three working days to express clear, precise and qualified reservations in writing concerning the Service delivered, with reference to the specifications actually ordered. The Service Provider will then have a period of one week in which to make the appropriate corrections.

11.3 Any further refusal by the customer despite the corrections made may give rise to additional invoicing.

Article 12 — Terms and conditions

12.1 The Parties undertake to act at all times as bona fide business partners in accordance with the customs of the trade, to show mutual respect and to cooperate at all times for the success of their contractual relations.

12.2 The Customer certifies that he has received all useful information enabling him to ensure that the present Contract is suited to his needs.

12.3 The customer undertakes always to formulate his requests and/or reservations precisely and clearly, in accordance with the usual rules.

12.4 The Customer is expressly informed that any timescales announced are provided for information purposes only and depend in particular on the Customer's full cooperation, for example in providing an element necessary for the execution of the Service.

12.5 The Customer undertakes to make fair use of the Service and guarantees that it will assign to the performance of the Contract personnel who are sufficiently competent, trained and available to enable the Service Provider to fulfil its obligations. In any event, the Customer undertakes to take all measures to adapt its equipment and the skills of its personnel to enable the Service Provider to perform the Service.

Article 13 — Payment incident

13.1 The Service Provider reserves the right to terminate the Service immediately in the event of non-payment by the Customer of one or more instalments.

13.2 In addition, any sum not paid by the due date will be increased by a rate equal to three times the legal interest rate in force, as well as a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros in accordance with current legislation (Article L441-10 of the French Commercial Code), and late payment penalties are payable without a writ of execution. The Service Provider's invoices may provide for higher late payment penalties, which will be applied where applicable.

13.3 Termination of the Service may automatically result in the suspension and termination of all services subscribed to by the Customer with the Service Provider, as well as the immediate payment of all sums due under the Contract, in principal, costs and accessories (interest on arrears, any bank charges).

Article 14 — Methods of realization

14.1 Termination by either party, notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at least 3 months before each contractual expiry date. The Customer may call for competitive bids for the services provided under the present contract during the 3-month notice period. However, in the event of a change of Service Provider, the Customer must wait until the renewal date of the present contract, or pay compensation equal to the total sums due under the present contract, inclusive of tax.

14.2 The Customer may cancel his subscription at the end of each annual period by e-mail to or by registered letter to the following address: 9 rue Pierre Marinier, 97 438 Sainte-Marie (La Réunion) no later than 3 months before the contract renewal date. In the event of late termination, the contract will be renewed until the end of the following period, which must be paid for in full by the Customer, who expressly accepts this.

Cancellation is initiated only after confirmation of payment by the Service Provider's bank. It is provided within the period specified in the "Commercial Proposal", from receipt by the Service Provider of the Order form. In the event of non-compliance with the above payment conditions, the Service Provider may suspend or cancel the service.

14.3 At the end of the service, an end-of-service email will be sent.

14.4 Termination of optional services does not entail termination of the Contract.

Article 15 — Reciprocal obligations of the parties - Acceptance of deliverables

15.1 Cooperation between the Service Provider and the Customer. The Service Provider attaches great importance to the pleasure of collaboration, respect for the work of both parties, cordial exchanges and the sharing of knowledge.

15.2 Within the framework of the close collaboration expected between the Parties and formalized in particular by the Commercial Proposal/Quote and/or the specifications and the reciprocal undertakings to implement the specifications, a complete, exhaustive and good-faith exchange of information must take place. This exchange will take place at regular intervals and, if necessary, with reasonable advance notice.

15.3 Each Party undertakes to alert the other Party to any anomaly or difficulty jeopardizing the proper execution of the project or of all or part of the Services. Acceptance of deliverables All deliverables sent to the Customer are delivered within the framework of the agile methodology, which takes into account the Customer's needs as the project is designed, field analysis, project progress and feedback from the Customer and its prospects. However, it is agreed between the Parties that any deliverable may only be the subject of a request for modification by the Customer within five (5) working days of receipt, failing which it will be considered validated. In addition, the Customer is entitled to a maximum of three (3) return trips for each deliverable included in the price of the Services. Beyond this, any request for modification will be subject to a quotation from the Service Provider.

Article 16 — Obligations of the Service Provider

The Service Provider's commitments constitute an obligation of means under which the services will be carried out in strict compliance with the professional rules in use and, where applicable, in accordance with the terms of the contract. To this end, the Service Provider will assign professionals with the skills required to perform the services in accordance with its quality standards.

Article 17 — Customer obligations

17.1 The Contract is concluded in consideration of the Customer. Except with the express prior consent of the Service Provider, the Service Provider may not assign or transfer the Contract or the benefit of the use of the service to a third party in any form whatsoever, and may not market the service or an optional service to a third party in any form whatsoever.

17.2 The Customer shall refrain from any fraudulent use of the service or optional services, or from sending messages that require a large number of responses.

17.3 The Customer shall refrain from any abnormal use of the service, and in particular any action that could jeopardize the security or availability of the Service Provider's servers or network.

17.4 The Customer agrees not to engage in any activity that is not in compliance with applicable European laws and regulations.

17.5 The customer must notify us immediately by post of any change of address or contact details.

17.6 The Customer undertakes to provide the Agency with all information necessary for the smooth running of the project. The Customer undertakes: to provide the Service Provider with complete, accurate and timely information and documents, without the Service Provider being obliged to verify their completeness or accuracy; to take decisions in a timely manner and to obtain the necessary hierarchical approvals; to appoint a correspondent with decision-making authority; to ensure that the key contacts and the correspondent are available throughout the execution of the services; to inform the Service Provider directly of any difficulties that may arise in connection with the execution of the services.

17.7 The Customer undertakes to provide all text, images, video and sound elements required to complete the contract and to cooperate with the Service Provider by making available any documents or information that may be requested by the Service Provider. All text and media content is to be supplied by the Customer in its entirety prior to commencement of work.

The Customer undertakes to provide the Service Provider with all the information required to perform the services provided for in this contract, and in particular the access codes to its hosting server so that the Service Provider can install the Website, manage the Website or manage the social networks.

17.8 The Customer undertakes to cooperate actively with the Service Provider by providing it with the information and documents required for the proper performance of the contract in a timely manner. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any delay in the performance of the work due to the Customer's failure to comply with this undertaking.

The customer must not jeopardize the smooth running of the project by a state of mind contrary to full collaboration.

17.9 In particular, the customer undertakes to understand any technical problems that may arise from functionalities or information not clearly set out in writing at the start of the project.

17.10 The Customer agrees to retain all originals of all resources provided to the Service Provider, who shall not be liable for any loss or modification of the Website by the Service Provider or any other person.

Article 18 — Information and advertising

 The Customer acknowledges and accepts: that unless otherwise expressly requested by the other party, the parties may correspond or transfer documents by e-mail circulating on the Internet network; that neither party has any control over the capacity, reliability, access or security of such e-mails; that the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, costs or prejudice caused by the loss, delay, interception, misappropriation or alteration of any e-mail caused by any event whatsoever. In general, the parties undertake to comply with the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data and in particular the provisions of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

Article 19 — Intellectual property


19.1.1 The Service Provider is the sole owner of the rights to the documentation and content provided as part of the Service. The provision of the Service does not entail any transfer of intellectual property rights (copyrights, database producer rights, trademark rights, etc.) on all or part of the content provided as part of the Service.

Any use of the Service that is not authorized under the terms of the Contract is strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted.

19.1.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Quotation, the provision of the Service does not entail any transfer of intellectual property rights (copyrights, database producer rights, trademark rights, etc.) on all or part of the content and/or deliverables provided as part of the Service. Any use of the Service that is not authorized under the terms of the Contract is strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted.

As such, they may not be used, transformed, reproduced or exploited in any way not expressly authorized by the Service Provider. In particular, the Customer undertakes not to use or exploit any content supplied to it as part of the Service for any purpose not provided for in the Contract or incompatible with its intended purpose, and in particular for the account of third parties or for resale. The Customer is liable for any unauthorized transfer, use or communication of content.

19.1.3 In any event, the Service Provider remains the owner of its tools, methods and know-how developed prior to or in connection with the Service provided to the Customer. Any grant or assignment of intellectual property rights not provided for in the Contract must be the subject of a separate agreement between the parties. The Service Provider also reserves the right to immediately terminate the Customer's Service in the event of any infringement of its intellectual property rights attributable to the Customer.

19.2 RGPD

19.2.1 The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for the interpretation and use that will be made by the Customer of the RGPD regulations. It is only bound by an obligation of means to assist its Customer in bringing its Website into compliance.

The Service Provider may not be held liable in the event that the Customer uses external services of which the Service Provider has no knowledge or of which the Service Provider is not at the origin of the use and/or integration the external services concerned do not allow for the deletion or modification of trackers one of the Service Provider's suppliers has not complied with its own obligations vis-à-vis the RGPD the new data protection regulation had to evolve.

19.2.2 The Customer therefore hereby acknowledges that the RGPD compliance assistance service offered by The Provider in no way exempts it from its own obligations related to the RGPD, and that in any event, it only concerns the compliance of its Website and not the other obligations to which it is subject. In particular, it must ensure with its legal department and/or counsel the relevance and validity of the company's intervention in relation to the information available to it.

19.2.3 The Customer agrees to receive commercial information on the Services of the Service Provider by electronic mail (e-mail, SMS, message left on the answering machine), unless he/she objects in writing to the Service Provider.

19.2.4 The Customer accepts that the Service Provider may use information about the Customer for the following purposes:

- Operation of the Service Provider's services;

- The promotion by any means other than electronic mail of the services of the Service Provider or those of its partners.


19.3.1 Creation of showcase Websites: The Service Provider creates Websites based on online software, often open source. The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for any technical modifications made to this software by the Service Provider who owns the software. The same applies to the modification of the code of a development language or of an API for connection to a payment system.

19.3.2 Creation of e-commerce Websites: The Service Provider also creates Websites for the sale of products or services based on online software, often open source. The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for malfunctions caused by such software, and is not liable for any loss of sales. The same applies to the modification of the code of a development language or of an API for connection to a payment system.

19.3.3 Domain names: The customer remains solely responsible for the choice of domain name, for prior research into any prior rights held by third parties, and solely liable to such third parties. The Customer hereby releases the Agency from any liability in the event of legal action, or liability claims in general, brought by a third party against the Agency on any grounds whatsoever, in connection with the domain name(s) in question. In the event of termination or suspension of the contractual relationship, the fees and costs of delegation transfer will be borne by the Customer.

19.3.4 Hosting: The Service Provider also offers to have the Customer's Site hosted by a third-party company. The Service Provider cannot be held liable if our supplier's server is unavailable for reasons of force majeure, including in particular long-term failure of the public or private electricity distribution network, failure of the public or private telecommunications network, loss of Internet connectivity due to the public and private operators on which the supplier depends. In the event of a serious incident affecting the proper operation of the hosting platform, the Service Provider will endeavor to take all necessary steps with its supplier to ensure that the service is maintained.

The Service Provider cannot be held liable for damages such as commercial loss, loss of clientele, loss of orders or loss of brand image. In any event, the amount of damages we may be ordered to pay is limited to the annual amount of the hosting contract. The Customer is solely and entirely responsible for the content of the pages published on its Site.

In this respect, and in particular, the Customer undertakes not to host Sites containing racist or illegal content, or Sites with hypertext links to such Sites, or content of a defamatory or insulting nature, or Sites of a pornographic nature. As a reminder, publications constitute intellectual works within the meaning of article L 112-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code, and are protected by copyright.

The customer is solely responsible for any breach of the law.


19.4.1 In the event that one of the Service Provider's recommendations or the use of elements delivered following one of the Service Provider's recommendations involves the use of goods, models, drawings, photographs, etc. which are subject to intellectual property rights belonging to third parties, the Service Provider will inform the Customer of the existence of such rights and the consequences of their use. It will then be the Customer's sole responsibility to take all measures enabling the use of such rights, in particular by negotiating on its own behalf the rights of use under conditions such that the Service Provider is in a position to avail itself of them for the purposes of the services. The Service Provider may use or develop software, including spreadsheets, documents, databases and other IT tools, for its own purposes.

In certain cases, these aids may be made available to the Customer on request. Insofar as these tools have been developed specifically for the needs of the Service Provider and without regard to the Customer's own needs, they are made available to the Customer for the duration of the contract in their current state and without any guarantee attached, for the sole purpose of use; they must not be distributed, shared or communicated to third parties, either in whole or in part. This temporary availability shall not entail any transfer of rights or warranties of any kind, either to the Customer or to a third party.

19.4.2 The Service Provider reserves all right, title and interest in and to :

The original elements contained in the works, documents, memos, consultations, opinions, conclusions or other procedural documents, etc. produced within the framework of the services, including but not limited to all copyrights, trademarks and any other intellectual property rights relating thereto;

All methods, processes, techniques, developments and know-how, whether or not incorporated into the services, or which the Service Provider may develop or provide as part of the services.

19.4.3 The Customer may, without geographical limitation, free of charge and irrevocably, use internally and for the duration of copyright protection, the elements designed by the Service Provider and integrated into its work. The Customer is prohibited from distributing, marketing and, more generally, making available or granting the use of these same elements to third parties without the agreement of the Service Provider. Neither party may mention or use the name, denomination, trademarks and logos or other designations, whether commercial or not, of the other party without the latter's prior written consent.

19.4.4 The transfer of ownership will only take place on receipt of full payment for the service.

Article 20 — Reservation of ownership

20.1 The transfer of ownership of the deliverable, whatever its nature, which is the subject of an order from the Customer is only effective when the price of this item has been paid in full, whether or not it has already been delivered. In the absence of full payment, all deliverables remain the exclusive property of the Service Provider. Until the transfer of ownership, the Customer assumes all risks that may affect the delivered items. The Customer undertakes not to resell or distribute the goods free of charge until the price has been paid in full.

20.2 The Customer may request prior authorization from the Service Provider if, in the normal course of business, the Customer is to resell, distribute or transform the item in question. In the event of resale or distribution, the Customer must immediately pay the balance of the price still due to the Service Provider or, failing this, inform the sub-purchaser of the existence of the retention of title clause and of the possibility for the Service Provider to exercise a claim against the sub-purchaser. In the event of conversion, the Customer shall pay the balance of the price to the Service Provider or assign ownership of the goods resulting from the conversion as security for the original claim.

20.3 The retention-of-title clause applies to the Service Provider's intellectual property until full payment of all sums due to the Service Provider in respect of its Services for which a deliverable has been supplied to the Customer and/or in respect of the agreed transfer of intellectual property rights.

Article 21 — Documents

 The Service Provider shall retain the original documents provided to it, and shall return them to the Customer upon request. All documents, data or information supplied by the Customer shall remain the Customer's property. The Service Provider will retain a copy of only those documents required for its working files. Working documents prepared as part of the services are our property and are covered by professional secrecy.

Website management
Article 22 — Website management contract

22.1 The Customer acknowledges that he has checked the suitability of the service for his needs and that he has received from the Service Provider all the information and advice he required to enter into this Website management agreement with full knowledge of the facts. Management only covers updates to installed products and only concerns the Website for which the domain names are specified in the contract. Management includes :

– Regular updating of the WordPress CMS, theme and extensions to their latest version (in the case of WordPress) or other language;

- Basic database optimization ;

- Backup of pages and database (provided that the hosting and domain name chosen by the customer are on the agency's account);

Any preventive measures that the Service Provider deems necessary to guarantee the stability, consistency and security of the Site without having to obtain the Customer's prior consent.

Management does not include :

- Modification or addition of pages, articles, texts, images, videos, sounds, etc. ;

- Optimization of the image bank: the customer is responsible for deleting multiple copies of media that he has inserted himself, and for ensuring that he has correctly named each media item (without accents);

- Solving problems caused by improper handling by the customer;

- Resolution of problems following the addition of extensions by the customer;

Solving security problems such as malicious intrusion by third parties, theft and misappropriation of passwords, hacked or hijacked sites, etc.

22.2 When the management contract is taken out by the Customer, the Service Provider will visit the administration area of the Customer's Website at least once (1) a month in order to carry out preventive checks. Updates included in the management will be made at the most appropriate time, as judged by the Service Provider and in the interest of the Customer's Website.

22.3 In the absence of full payment of the renewal price set out in the tariff, the Service Provider will not be able to carry out the renewal requested by the Customer. The Customer will receive an e-mail notification of the closure of the management on the renewal anniversary date. Management will be definitively terminated on the renewal anniversary date, and the Customer will receive an e-mail informing him that management has been terminated for non-payment. If the Customer wishes to reactivate management after D + 15 days, a service interruption surcharge will be applied. The management contract will be reactivated once all sums have been received by the Service Provider (management contract price plus the service interruption surcharge).

Article 23 — Non-subscription to the Website management contract

23.1 If a management contract is not taken out or renewed by the Customer, the Service Provider's liability towards the Customer's Website is totally discharged. Updates of the WordPress CMS or other language, of the theme and of any module installed on the Website become the responsibility of the Customer. Given that the Customer is the sole administrator of his or her Website, and that he or she may make mistakes, the stability of the Website is not guaranteed over time.

23.2 The Customer may be required to purchase premium licenses for the theme and plug-ins or external services used, in order to update them themselves and, in the case of WordPress, to ensure that the theme used is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress. This principle also applies to other services or languages offered by the Agency.

23.3 Once the contract has been completed and the Website is online, and only if a management contract has not been taken out, the Customer is advised to change the passwords that give access to the Website. The Service Provider declines all responsibility for any damage incurred if the Customer has not changed his access codes.

23.4 If no management contract is subscribed to by the Customer, and in the event of a subsequent technical problem or if the Site has to be reinstalled on the hosting server, a new Commercial Proposal will be drawn up by the Service Provider to resolve and repair the problem identified. The Customer will be free to accept this Commercial Proposal or to choose another provider.

23.5 The Service Provider has no obligation to monitor any changes made to the Website by the Customer or by any other person not working for the Service Provider. The Customer, or the person designated by the Customer, who administers the Website by adding pages, articles and media, is obliged to keep the media library in good order. In particular, the Customer must remove images that are duplicated or unused. In order to guarantee the stability of the website's backups, the customer must ensure that images are not named with accents. The Customer is obliged to check all modifications made to the Website. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any loss of data due to negligence on the part of the Customer.

23.6 In the event of malfunction of the Website due to incorrect handling on the part of the Customer, the Service Provider will automatically invoice the Customer for the hours of management time required to restore proper operation of the Website.

23.7 The Service Provider declines all responsibility for the proper maintenance of the Website if the Customer himself updates WordPress or other languages, the theme and/or plug-ins used. Should the Website suffer any damage as a result of the Customer's intervention, the Service Provider will issue an invoice for the work required to restore the Website. Any intervention by the Customer on the source code shall be at the Customer's own risk, and the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any malfunction of the Website.

The Service Provider declines all responsibility in the event that management interventions prove impossible due to the seriousness of the damage suffered as a result of modifications made by the Customer to the Internet Site.

Article 24 — Claims

 All claims, whether amicable or legal, relating to the performance of the services must be made within one year of completion of the initial service (Year N, when the present contract is signed).

Article 25 — Right of withdrawal

 As the Customer is a professional purchasing within the framework and for the needs of his profession, there is no need to apply the right of withdrawal provided for in the French Consumer Code.

Article 26 — Force majeure

26.1 The Service Provider shall not be liable to the Customer in the event of non-performance of its obligations resulting from an event of force majeure. The following are considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually recognized by the jurisprudence of French courts and tribunals, and without this list being restrictive: strikes or labor disputes internal or external to the Service Provider, natural disasters, fires, epidemics or pandemics, interruption of telecommunications, interruption of energy supply, interruption of communications or transport of any kind, or any other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Service Provider.

26.2 In the event of incapacity to work of a member of the Service team, due to illness, paternity leave or accident, the Service Provider reserves the right to modify the planned schedule without the Customer being entitled to claim compensation.

26.3 In the event that the Service Provider is unable to provide the service for the above-mentioned reasons, the Service Provider will notify the Customer within a reasonable period of time of his incapacity and, as far as possible, of the duration thereof. In this case, the assignment will be suspended for the duration of the incapacity and will resume at the end of the assignment. If the incapacity lasts for more than three months, the Customer may decide whether or not to continue with the Performance of the Service. In the event of non-continuation, all services rendered will be due as soon as they have been rendered.

Article 27 — Partial non-validation

 If one or more stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, regulation or following a final decision by a competent court, the other stipulations will retain all their force and scope.

Article 28 — No waiver

The fact that one of the parties does not avail itself of a breach by the other party of any of the obligations referred to in the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall not be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.

The data
Article 29 — Data protection

29.1 The Company respects the privacy of its Customers. It undertakes to ensure that the collection and automated processing of their data for the purpose of improving the Site and the service, providing the latter, commercial prospecting, managing Orders, contracts and disputes comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés) in its latest version.

29.2 The Service Provider is responsible for the processing of Customer data containing personal information about the Customer's corporate officers and/or employees who are its contacts, collected as part of the performance of the Contract and prior to its conclusion, for the preparation of the commercial proposal or any usual pre-contractual relations between professionals, when the purpose of such processing is the management of the prospect-customer relationship, Customer invoicing, Customer assistance or any other legitimate purpose for which the Service Provider is acting on its own behalf.

29.3 The Customer is hereby informed and accepts that the Service may include technical devices enabling the use of the Service to be tracked (connected user, IP address, type of application used, various connection and usage logs) which may be used in the fight against counterfeiting and/or to identify and/or prevent any illicit or non-compliant use of the Service.

29.4 All processing carried out by the Service Provider solely on behalf of the Customer is carried out as a subcontractor. It is the Customer's responsibility to determine the responsibilities of each of the parties or third parties involved in the processing carried out as part of the Service, and to submit a data processing agreement to the Service Provider, where applicable. The Customer is solely responsible for the data processing carried out within the scope of the Service, and is solely responsible for ensuring that the data processing carried out under the contract complies with applicable regulations. Under no circumstances does the price of the Service include an impact analysis of the service(s) ordered.

29.5 The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data by the Customer and/or third parties to the Contract.

29.6 Customers' personal data will not be kept longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes indicated. Certain data enabling proof of a right or contract to be established may be subject to an intermediate archiving policy for a period corresponding to the prescription and foreclosure periods of legal or administrative actions that may arise.

29.7 The Customer is hereby informed and accepts that the Site and/or the service may include technical devices which allow usage to be tracked (user account connected, IP address, type of application used, etc.) and which may be used in the fight against counterfeiting and/or to identify and/or prevent any illicit or non-compliant use of the Site.

29.8 Requests to exercise this right can be sent by e-mail to Any person concerned by data processing has the right to lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés).

29.9 In order to deal with security incidents, threats or situations of vulnerability, the Service Provider may implement the following measures on the Internet: informing Customers and the supervisory authority if necessary, raising the awareness of the Service Provider's teams, reinforcing the security of the Company's premises and workstations. The Service Provider may also take the following measures in relation to its customers: make customer access to the Service conditional on the modification of their Identifiers, require them to strengthen the security of their passwords, implement authentication procedures offering enhanced security (two-factor authentication).

For more information on automated data processing and how to exercise your rights, Users may consult the Privacy Policy, which is accessible at all times on the Site, and the information on cookies used by the Service Provider.

29.10 The following personal data is collected: Name/First name/E-mail address/Phone number/Postal address/Postal code/City/Credit card numbers/Gender/Sex/Occupation/Interaction with social networks and external platforms/SIRET number/Company name/Kbis/Logo. All information required to set up the Customer Information System. Your personal data may be collected by external platforms during interaction (Social Widgets/Buttons [Tweeter Tweet, Facebook Like, Google +1, LinkedIn...)...

29.11 Personal data may be shared with third-party companies, in the following cases: when the user uses payment services, for the implementation of these services, the Website is in relation with third-party banking and financial companies with which it has contracted;

When the user authorizes a third party's Web Site to access his/her data ;

When the Web Site uses the services of Service Providers to provide user support, advertising and payment services. These Service Providers have limited access to user data in the course of providing these services, and are contractually obliged to use it in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data;

If required by law, the Website may transmit data in order to pursue claims against the Website and to comply with administrative and judicial proceedings;

If the Website is involved in a merger, acquisition, sale of assets or receivership, it may be required to sell or share all or part of its assets, including personal data. In this case, users will be informed before any personal data is transferred to a third party.

29.12 The Website implements organizational, technical, software and physical digital security measures to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment, and the Website cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information over the Internet.

29.13 The individuals concerned may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, dereferencing and portability under the conditions and within the limits provided for by law by sending a written request to our head office, indicated at the top of this document, or by e-mail to

29.13.1 Right of access: users may exercise their right of access to their personal data. In this case, before exercising this right, the Website may request proof of the user's identity in order to verify its accuracy.

29.13.2 The right of rectification: if the personal data held by the Website is inaccurate, they may request that the information be updated.

29.13.3 The right to deletion of data: users may request the deletion of their personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

29.13.4 The right to object to data processing: users may object to their data being processed in accordance with the assumptions set out in the RGPD.

29.13.5 The right to limitation of processing: users may of request the Website to limit the processing of personal data in accordance with the assumptions provided for by the RGPD.

29.13.6 The right to portability: they can request that the Website return their personal data to them for transmission to a new Website.

The Customer warrants that it is authorized to provide the Service Provider with information about its employees, and in particular about any users of the Service that it may designate to the Service Provider or any other natural persons, whose personal data is provided by the Customer to the Service Provider for the purposes of performing the Agreement.

29.14 The Web Site reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. If a modification is made to the present personal data protection clause, the Website undertakes to publish the new version on its site. The Website will also inform users of the modification by e-mail to the following address, at least 15 days before the effective date. If users do not agree with the terms of the new wording of the personal data protection clause, they may delete their account.

Article 30 — Customer and Communication references

30.1 The Customer agrees to be cited by the Service Provider as its customer for the Service provided in its reference lists and proposals to its prospects and customers, notably on the Service Provider's website and social networks, its sales brochures (PDF or paper), during interviews with third parties, communications to its staff, internal management planning documents, presentations at conferences, in specialized publications on professional markets, in addition to cases where legal, regulatory or accounting provisions require it.

30.2 Thus, the Customer accepts that the Service Provider may refer to its name, its corporate name, one or more logos or trademarks of the Customer on the aforementioned media worldwide. The Service Provider may make a presentation of the Service provided to the Customer, without this being considered a breach of confidentiality or an act of trademark infringement. The Customer agrees that the Service Provider may provide a description of the Service and the project follow-up in its communication. The Customer may inform the Service Provider by any written means and at any time of its refusal and/or request the withdrawal of the aforementioned reference.

The customer undertakes to display the discreet phrase "Site created by" at the bottom of each page of the website, possibly accompanied by a link to URL and a logo.

30.3 When the Customer sends written material, videos and/or photographs to the Service Provider, to give his/her opinion or testify about the service provided by the Service Provider, and where applicable issues comments or publications concerning the Service Provider (for example, on its social networks), to which his/her login and profile photo on the social networks are attached, then the Customer authorizes the Service Provider to use this content for the promotion of its commercial activities. The content may be protected by image rights and/or copyright, in which case the Customer grants the Service Provider the right to adapt it (in form) and reproduce it on any medium, in particular by presenting it as a commercial reference and/or as a notice. For example, the Service Provider may take screenshots of publications on social networks concerning the Service Provider or the Customer, and reproduce them on the Site as reviews.

30.4 The Customer acknowledges that he is fully entitled to his rights and may not claim any remuneration for the exploitation of the rights referred to in this paragraph. These rights are granted for the lifetime of the Customer concerned, plus 70 years, and for the whole world. The Service Provider reserves the right to submit to the Customer any other request for authorization to take photographs and transfer rights, for all cases not provided for herein or on an ad hoc basis.

Article 31 — Changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

 The Company reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and mentions of the GCS at any time and without notice in order to adapt them to changes in the Site or its operation, and in the characteristics of the service. The applicable conditions are those accepted by the Customer. Modifications to the General Terms and Conditions made by the Company will not apply to Services already subscribed to, except for clauses relating to the technical evolution of the service, provided that this does not result in a price increase, or alteration of the quality or characteristics to which the Customer has made his commitment. The Customer may also be asked to accept the modified GTC, failing which the last GTC accepted will continue to apply until the service has been fully performed.

Article 32 — Customer responsibility

32.1 The Customer is solely responsible for the interpretation he makes of the information provided under the Services, for the advice he deduces or which has been provided to him under the Services and for the adaptations made for his own activities. Use of the information is made under the sole responsibility of the Customer and at the Customer's own risk, which the Customer expressly accepts.

32.2 The Customer acknowledges that he/she has received sufficient information and advice before committing him/herself and is aware that any result sought involves, by its very nature, risks and requires considerable effort. The Customer declares that he/she is fully aware that the Services offered are of an informative nature only and do not commit the Service Provider to the achievement of any result by the Customer, except in the case of a commercial and specific guarantee applicable to the service. All services are not medical, psychological, legal or financial services. It does not lead to a state-recognized diploma, and has never been offered as such by the Service Provider. The Customer remains perfectly free to withdraw from the service under the conditions stipulated in the contract. He acts under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

32.3 Only the Customer is "responsible" for his or her Website, from the moment it goes online. The Service Provider's liability will therefore be fully discharged as soon as the Website is put online. The Customer is the owner of the Website and is free to manage its content and administration. The Customer declares that he accepts the characteristics and limits of the Internet and acknowledges in particular the following points: data circulating on the Internet is not protected, in particular against possible misappropriation.

32.4 The Customer is solely responsible for the content of its Website, all information communicated, its use and updating, as well as all files, in particular address files. Consequently, the Service Provider may not be held responsible for the content of information transmitted, distributed or collected, its use and updating, or for any files, in particular address files, for any reason whatsoever. Before transmitting a graphic or textual element to the Service Provider for the proper performance of the contract, the Customer must ensure that he has all rights of reproduction and use of this element. The Customer is solely liable in this respect.

32.5 The Customer is civilly and criminally liable for the morality and respect of laws and regulations, in particular those concerning the protection of minors and respect for the human person, as well as for his or her personal data and the rights of third parties, in particular intellectual property rights, and for all data communicated. The Customer undertakes to respect the universal principles of Internet use.

32.6 The Customer undertakes not to offer any pages, texts, images, sounds, videos or other animations that do not comply with French legislation. The Customer undertakes not to use hypertext links pointing to Sites or pages that contravene French or international law or that may damage the image of the Service Provider.

32.7 The Customer must not, in any way whatsoever, for example through advertising banners, infringe the law, public order, morality and/or the rights of third parties (trademark law, copyright, protection of minors, protection of databases, etc.). In particular, the Customer undertakes not to offer any pornographic content, nor to offer or allow to be offered any commercial services of a pornographic and/or erotic nature, or which are manifestly illicit or contrary to public order (violence, incitement to racial hatred, supply of products or services strictly prohibited in the territory, etc.).

32.8 The Service Provider declines all legal and moral responsibility if the Customer has misled the Service Provider as to the future content of the Site contrary to morality or illegal content, whether during or after the assignment. If a Customer orders such a service without the knowledge of the Service Provider, the Service Provider reserves the right to disclose any information to the police and the courts.

32.9 The Customer will be required to pay an immediate contractual penalty of 3,800 (three thousand eight hundred) euros per violation observed, this payment not being exclusive of a legal claim for damages. It is hereby specified that the Customer shall pay the penalty as many times as the number of violations observed. The Customer shall immediately remove any reference to the Service Provider on its Website.

Article 33 — Limitation of liability

33.1 The Service Provider cannot be held liable for any technical or software failure or for any cause beyond its control.

33.2 Under no circumstances shall the Service Provider be held liable for indirect damage such as loss of data or files, operating loss, commercial loss, loss of earnings, damage to image or reputation.

33.3 The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any disputes arising between the Customer and its own customers or third parties to the Contract.

33.4 The use and exploitation of the information provided as part of the Service is the sole responsibility and at the risk of the Customer. The Customer is solely responsible for the interpretation he makes of the information provided under the Service and for the advice he deduces therefrom, and for any adaptations made for his own commercial activity.

33.5 The Service Provider may not be considered as having any mandate or offering any guarantee and may not be held liable in any way whatsoever for the content or use of a website or third parties and/or the ordering and use of third-party products and services by the Customer, including in the context of the Service.

33.6 The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for problems related to hosting, referencing, data transmission reliability, access time or the speed of loading the Website. The Service Provider cannot be held responsible for the loss of data on hosting servers. However, the Service Provider undertakes to do its utmost to secure the Customer's data within the limits of its scope of action. The Service Provider will perform its services in accordance with the rules of the trade. It is expressly specified that the Service Provider is not bound by an obligation of result, but by a commitment of means.

33.7 Within the framework of a management service, the Service Provider reserves the right to temporarily interrupt access to the Website without entitlement to compensation. However, the Service Provider undertakes to use its best endeavors to minimize such interruptions. The Service Provider is not liable for loss of revenue due to interruption or failure of service.

33.8 The Service Provider declines all responsibility in the event of the use of a premium or free theme which is no longer developed and which has become incompatible with the latest version of WordPress or other. In such cases, the theme may no longer be managed by the Service Provider, without entitlement to compensation. In any case, the Service Provider may offer the Customer a new Commercial Proposal for the installation of another theme.

33.9 The Service Provider's projects use software developed by third parties such as WordPress, plug-ins, free or premium themes. Under no circumstances can the Service Provider be held responsible for any anomalies, bugs or malfunctions in these tools, which remain the responsibility of their authors, nor for any associated services (social networks, etc.). Updating of WordPress or other tools and modules is the Customer's responsibility, unless the Customer has subscribed to a site management contract.

33.10 The Service Provider is responsible for the initial costs of the theme and premium plug-ins under paid license. Renewal of these licenses is normally included as part of an annual management contract, except in the event of subsequent changes to the theme or plug-in supplier's terms and conditions of sale, resulting in an excessive increase in the annual subscription fee. In such circumstances, the Service Provider will not renew the license concerned and cannot be held responsible.

33.11 The Customer, notified by the Service Provider of changes to the Supplier's Sales, shall be solely responsible for renewing the licenses at its own expense. In any case, the Service Provider may offer the Customer a new Sales Proposal for the installation of another theme or plug-in.

33.12 The Service Provider may not be held liable for the total or partial non-fulfilment of an obligation by the Customer and/or for the failure of operators of transport networks to the Internet world, and in particular its access provider(s). In this respect, the Service Provider informs the Customer that its services are independent of other technical operators and that it cannot be held liable for their failure.

33.13 Under no circumstances may the Service Provider be held liable for indirect damage, such as financial or commercial damage, loss of orders, loss of data, loss of earnings, damage to brand image, loss of profits or loss of Customers (for example, untimely disclosure of confidential information concerning them as a result of system failure or hacking).

33.14 The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any operating losses resulting from the temporary or permanent, partial or total unavailability of an e-commerce store.

33.15 The Service Provider cannot be held liable in the event of failure by the Customer to comply with legal and regulatory authorizations, particularly with regard to data processing.

The drafting of "Legal Notices", "Privacy Policy", "Conditions of Use", "General Sales Conditions" (...), in the same way as any content, does not fall within the scope of the contract. In no event shall the Service Provider be liable for any failure by the Customer to upload contractual content.

33.16 Miscellaneous: The Service Provider cannot be held liable in the following cases:

- Following a failure or deficiency in a service for which neither it nor any of its subcontractors are responsible;

- For facts and/or data which do not fall within the scope of the services, and/or which are not the for facts and/or which are not an extension thereof ;

- If the results of the services are used for a purpose or in a context other than that for which they were provided, if the recommendations are incorrectly implemented or if the Service Provider's reservations are not taken into account.

- Misuse or negligence on the part of the Customer (e.g.: careless securing, transmission of identifiers to third parties, etc.);

- Problem independent of the Customer and the Service Provider (e.g. defective plug-in, defective editor, defective CMS, etc.);

- Intervention of another Service Provider (e.g. a third party who modifies the code at the same time as the Service Provider).

33.17 The Service Provider is not liable to its insurers for consequential damages, loss of profits, loss of opportunity or expected profits, or for the financial consequences of any actions brought by third parties against the Customer.


Article 34 — Privacy

 Each party undertakes to keep confidential, for the duration of the contract and after its expiry, all information, documents, know-how, databases, passwords and confidential codes originating from the other party of which it may have become aware during the performance of the contract, and shall not divulge them to any third party whatsoever, nor use them outside the requirements of the contract.

Article 35 — Description of services and subcontracting

35.1 The Service Provider reserves the right to transfer all or part of the performance of services to Service Providers meeting the same qualification requirements. The subcontractor will then act under the sole responsibility of the Service Provider, and will undertake to keep confidential all information of which it becomes aware during the performance of the services.

35.2 The Service Provider's services are divided into three key stages:

- Definition of strategy and drafting of specifications (depending on the project) with joint validation of reciprocal commitments to implement the specifications;

- Digital media production;

- Implementation of specifications and/or deployment of different strategies.

35.3 Any request from the Customer which does not fall within the scope of the Services expressly referred to in the Commercial Proposal and/or the specifications duly validated between the Parties will be the subject of a Commercial Proposal from the Service Provider under the same conditions as the initial Order.

35.4 Any cancellation of the Order shall forfeit to the Service Provider the deposit attached thereto, without prejudice to any additional compensation that the Agency may claim before the courts as a result of this Order. The Service Provider reserves the right to provide, free of charge, certain services in addition to those contractually agreed, without this commercial gesture entailing any obligation on the part of the Service Provider. In such cases, the Customer will be specifically informed of the specific nature of such Services.

35.5 The Service Provider is authorized to subcontract all or part of the work ordered by the Customer without instructions to the contrary from the Customer.

35.6 Order prices are expressed in euros before tax (HT).

Article 36 — General information

36.1 In the event that one or more of the clauses is declared null and void by a court decision or proves impossible to implement, the validity of the other provisions will not be affected and the parties undertake to negotiate a replacement provision in good faith.

The headings and sub-headings of the Articles are included for convenience only. By express agreement between the parties, these headings and sub-headings may not be used to interpret any provision whatsoever of the Contract.

36.2 Unless otherwise specified, the fact that a party does not claim the application of any provision of the Contract, or tolerates its non-performance on a temporary or permanent basis, shall in no event be construed as a waiver by such party of its rights hereunder.

36.3 The fact that a party tolerates non-performance or imperfect performance of the Contract or, more generally, tolerates any act, abstention or omission of the other party which does not comply with the provisions of the Contract shall not confer any right whatsoever on the party benefiting from such tolerance.

36.4 The parties elect domicile at the addresses given in the Quotation, to which notifications shall be addressed, except in the event of a change of address, which shall be notified to the other parties as soon as possible. In the event of a change of address, any notification made to the addresses mentioned in the Quotation which have been notified shall be deemed valid, unless it is proved that the party making the notification was aware of the actual address of the party to whom it is addressing its notification.

36.5 The parties acknowledge that they are acting as independent Co-contractors. The Contract shall not have the effect of creating a company or association of any kind between them.

Article 37 — Applicable law

 These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. They are written in French. Should they be translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be deemed authentic in the event of a dispute. The parties undertake to seek an amicable solution to any dispute arising from the performance of the services. Should they fail to do so, the parties shall submit the dispute to the Commercial Court of Saint-Denis (Reunion Island [974], DOM-TOM).

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